Season 5 Premiere

What’s your favorite story from the Bible? Who are the characters in that story?

Is it Puah and Shiprah? or Anna? or Joseph - not the one who raised Jesus, but the one from Arimathea?

If your answer is not in that list, we aren’t surprised. These names represent a large group of stories and characters from Scripture that are less talked about, yet full of goodness for us to learn from.

Which is why we are excited to be using a series of resources from Sanctified Art called Faces of our Faith to look at some of these Bold & Untold Stories.

As we look at these stories and how we can apply them to our own lives, we will also add a new element to the discussion - Art.

Don’t worry - you won’t have to create any art. Together we will look at a work created to represent these stories and characters as an additional way to reflect on the content. This might sound like it is out of your comfort zone but give it a chance!

We kick off on September 26th and will meet every other Tuesday, at 6:30pm in University Methodist Church’s Student Worship Center. Keep an eye on our social media (@FoundrySATX) for more details about our gatherings!

Can’t wait to see you soon!


spring 2024


Season 4 Premiere