Community Night: Season 3 Premiere

I came across a blessing by Kate Bowler on Instagram yesterday as I was tapping through my stories. If you don’t already follow her, you definitely should. Here is the blessing “for if you happen to be having an ordinary day” that caught my attention…


We all have ordinary days. And even our special days have ordinary moments.

What does your ordinary look like?
Going to work. Listening to music. Taking the dog on a walk.
Calling a friend on a drive. Picking up the playroom alongside the kiddos.
Eating a meal. Brushing teeth. Leaving the dirty dishes in the sink overnight.

Lots of things we can do mindlessly. Yet, this prayer beckons us to notice God in all of it.

And that last slide, with the words of Barbara Brown Taylor…
“Earth is to think with divine possibility that it is a wonder we can walk anywhere without cracking our shins on altars.”

I can think of no better way to introduce our third season of Community Nights, where we will be talking about a lot of ordinary things and how they are actually so much more than ordinary.

This season we will be hearing from a collection of pastors and local church leaders about how we can experience God’s presence and goodness in every part of our lives, including the normal, boring, and ordinary. Our prayer is that as we have this conversation we might become more aware of the extraordinary that exists in our every day lives because of the power of God’s love and grace but also the ways we can participate in and help grow the sacredness that surrounds us.

We hope you’ll join our conversation this fall as we continue to build community and grow together.

Community Nights: Season 3
dinner followed by worship & conversation
Hosted at Colonial Hills UMC

September 6th
September 20th
October 4th
October 18th
November 1st
November 15th
December 6th


Season 4 Premiere


The Foundry: Season 2 Premiere