Breaking Bread or Bar-B-Que

how sharing a meal builds God’s Kingdom…

In a previous blog, I wrote about how studying God’s word alongside others can enrich our understanding of His Word.  If you did not get a chance to read it, check out Feeding the Faith.  I explored how digging into the Word regularly and alongside others is a great way to “grow healthy” in our faith.  

Stories of Jesus are filled with supporting characters and the stories of our lives should be too. 

I ended with the enriching experience of learning alongside other believers as our connection to God is not intended to be done alone.  The Lone Ranger is not the Christ story.  Jesus exemplified how we were supposed to live, and He did it alongside others.  The Twelve disciples, his family, the crowds he served.  Stories of Jesus are filled with supporting characters and the stories of our lives should be too.  We should be coming together and sharing a meal is one of the best ways. 

I’ll go ahead and state the obvious…food is delicious.  Now that we have that out of the way, meals also are a great time to pause and connect.  Eating is a common experience which connects us to each other.  We have been eating for as long as we have been alive – no matter what it looks like.  Pureed food pouches to steak dinners, consumption is something we all know how to do.  Sharing that common experience, connects us.  A meal can be one of the most luxurious or humble experiences and if intentional it can breed great connection – leaving us fed and connected. 

When we connect with each other, we are connecting the parts of the Body. 

Connection is the main ingredient in the recipe for strong community.  God exemplifies community as the Holy Trinity, being three in one, and we can emulate Him through relationships.  He shows the importance of connection and urges us to rely on each other.  In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul writes that we are each a part of the Body of Christ.  When we connect with each other, we are connecting the parts of the Body.  This connection strengthens the body as the relationships strengthen.  Sharing a meal brings us together, opens opportunities to talk, and gives us space to connect.  

The connections we pursue, to God, to people, and to community are grounding.  They give a sense of belonging as we understand we are part of the community of His creation.  If you are looking for connection, for community, for a meal, try getting together with someone and breaking bread or Bar-B-Que.  It does not matter what you eat, but that your meals are time of intentional connection.  They will feed more than your stomach and leave you with the most satisfying sense of full.

Just a helpful tip: The conversation doesn’t have to be deep to begin, but don’t hold back from going deep.  You’ll see.  It really takes the pressure out of cooking up connection.


Worship Night | April 20th


Feeding the Faith