Join us for one of our upcoming events:

Filtering by: “Community Night”



Sign up here!!

We are excited to host another Gastrochurch with The Foundry - our fancy name for a really delicious meal and a conversation that goes beyond small talk. It will be a unique experience that you will not want to miss!

We'd  love to see you there - it will be a great way to catch up, talk about what the season of Advent means for our lives, and wrap up another year!

This is a special meal: tablecloths. real dishes. multiple courses. 

To help us prepare this special meal, we need you to register so we can be sure to save you a seat! 

To help supplement the cost, please bring $15 to be collected "at the door" - cash or card.

We'll be outside at Alamo Heights UMC, so dress accordingly. (We will move indoors in the case of inclement weather.) An email will be sent the day before with details about the location.

If you have any allergies or dietary restrictions, please make sure to indicate on your sign up - we will need to be in touch with you by Tuesday, November 28th, to make arrangements with Chef Colin. 

Sign up here!!

Here are some previous Gastrochurch pictures.

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