Seasons of The Foundry

Everything Comes in Seasons

What is your favorite season? Fall? Spring? Football season? Summer TV Season? Pumpkin Spice Latte Season? Award Season? Hallmark Christmas Movie Season? Wedding Season? There are so many different seasons that I may not have even listed yours. And all of these seasons impact our lives - how we spend time with others, the way we decorate, what we wear, the food we cook, the entertainment we spend time watching…

Seasons will also play a key role in the rhythms of The Foundry. Every Season will include 6 Community Night gatherings (covering the span of 12 weeks, since it is bi-weekly). During those three months, we will hear from a different speaker each gathering, but we will meet at the same partner church, be led in worship by the same person, and focus on the same theme which will be further discussed in our Foundry Groups. We’ll share a special meal to mark each “season finale”, then begin the next season in a new location, with a new worship leader, and a new theme.

The Foundry represents a diverse group of churches and individuals and this seasonal rhythm gives us a chance to highlight that diversity.

This rhythm will be helpful for many reasons. One of The Foundry’s goals is to emphasize the connection to Local Churches, so the variety of locations, worship leaders, and speakers offers a chance to get to know some of the churches in our area while also sharing both the blessing and burden of hosting gatherings on these churches. We also hope to provide some consistency (and less chances of showing up at the wrong church on a given week) by having the location and worship leader stay the same for an entire season.

We are so excited to launch the first season of The Foundry, so be sure to keep an eye out for our Season 1 Sneak Peek!


Plants + Being Known


New Year. Same Stuff.